Understanding the Mesh Export settings:

As a part of the Mesh export process, sdk will search through all the gameObjects in the scene which falls under the selected search filter category (tag and/or layerMask) and then it will combine all the gameObjects containing mesh renderer, skinned mesh renderer and terrain into a .glb file.

.glb file will include two gameObjects - CombinedMesh and Treasured Map gameObjects.


Use Tag - If enabled, it will export the gameObjects containing the specified tag.

Use LayerMask - If enabled, it will export the gameObjects ,containing the specified Layers.

Keep Combined Mesh - [Used for debugging purpose] If enabled, the copy of the combined mesh will be stored in the current Scene’s CombinedMesh gameObject after exporting the .glb file. If there’s any active terrain in the scene then, the terrain will be exported as an .obj file under the Assets/Resources folder. If option is disabled then, the copy of the combined mesh will not be stored in the Scene. However, the exported .glb can be tested through online viewer https://gltf.pmnd.rs/


will not be exported.